The finale.

For those of you who read my last blog post, you know what a mental and emotional struggle I had the last 30 days. It was good to work through my feelings in writing, and I’m glad I had the privacy to be truly honest.

This video zooms out and looks at the entire journey. And you know what?

I am looking in the mirror right now, and I can honestly say, I AM SO PROUD of who I see in there. She is stronger than who she was 90 days ago: mentally, emotionally and physically.

I cherish this 90 day journey ESPECIALLY for helping me change my relationship with numbers. I was getting so messed up at the beginning seeing the scale go up everyday and had to rewire my brain to think: THIS IS OKAY. THIS IS GOOD. I eventually got to a point where the number didn’t control me anymore, and to me, that is the biggest win of all.

I feel so much gratitude right now. SO much.

A lot happened the past 90 (life stuff, work stuff, personal stuff…) but somehow my body and my mind managed to push through. I feel stronger. And that was the whole point. My Why.

Thank you for joining me on this 90 Day Journey. And thank you to everyone who supported me throughout. Your words really helped when things got too much for me to handle. Know that I read you comments and that they do make a difference.


Ps: Thank you to my friend Danny J for coming over to relive the bikini comp with me, but on our terms!!! She came to support me at my first (and only) comp ever, and at the time we only knew each other from online interactions. Now we’ve been friends for over 10 years! Had to redo the walk with her!