I can't even wash my hair without shaking after arm day. Don't even get me started on what happens after leg day 😅.
Do any of these happen to you?
I can't even wash my hair without shaking after arm day. Don't even get me started on what happens after leg day 😅.
Do any of these happen to you?
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“Who’s been A TRUE FAN OVER A YEAR”,🎂
Fan since 2016 baby!
I’ve actually screamed sitting down to pee after doing squatting challenges 🤷🏾♀️
For me, getting out of bed after a core focussed workout – that little crunch when you get up 😂
ugh so painful haha
It is hard for me after HIIT workouts
Me too. a 50 min ab day with Cassey is no joke. Sometimes if I was slacking on abs for a few weeks I’ll be so sore two days later (DOMS) that I literally have to slide out of my bed and go on all fours and then stand up. My bed is on the floor with no frame so crunching up is just horrible LOL.
Did I miss any??
😂nope I’m good everything i go through is here
Yes… when you have to roll to get readjusted in bed or when you gotta roll out if the bed to pee at night… that get up struggle is real.lol
Do you like country music? Do you want kids? Do you only speak and understand English?
Umm yes, the awkward sleeping position, also not mention the urge to sleep even after taking a bath and basically the urge to sleep 😂
What’s name of the song?
When you go take a shower after an upper body workout, and have trouble lifting your shirt above your head.
Hey Blogilates, I just wanted to make sure that you knew about this Webtoon called Blogicomics. They post the small comics that you post on Instagram. I was wondering if this is actually you or if someone is stealing your comics. I totally love your work tho, so I will definitely support it if it is you who is posting your comic!!
It’s really me! I joined recently, it’s till new to me!
@blogilates Thank you for clarifying!! I totally love your comics!❤❤
Yaaaass! I’ve definitely felt those pains.
It may sound silly, but opening doors and putting pants on after a climbing session is a killer every single time.
Ahoj 😀 môžem sa spýtať, podĽa koho cvičíš? 😀 Už dlho som sa necítila tak bezmocne a chýba mi to 😀
@Soňa ahoj, cez týždeň obyčajne cvičím podľa blogilates kalendára, ktorý Cassey pridáva na blog, a k tomu občas prihodím Yoga with Adriane. 🙂 No a raz za týždeň idem na lezeckú stenu. Ale Cassey ma skutočne rozhýbala, s ňou sa nenudím 😄
@Aňa Švidroňová ďakujem ti za odpoveď! 🙂
Ja som s ňou tiež cvičila dávnejšie, ale prišlo mi to síce masaker, ale nevidela som moc pokrok 🙁
@Soňa treba vydržať ❤️ Ja som začala vidieť fyzické zmeny až po pár mesiacoch, ale vydržala som len preto, že ma to začalo baviť. Predtým som sa nikdy nevedela donútiť cvičiť dlhšie ako pár týždňov. 🙂 Možno si ešte musíš nájsť to svoje a potom to pôjde.
Add not being able to move just the day after a HIIT workout
This is soo trueee u made me cry😭😭
Just started working out again after a long hiatus. Definitely how I’m feeling right about now. Especially 2 & 3. 😭 Thank goodness my hair is pretty short, so not many updos going on at the moment. 😂😂
For me sneezing after an intense ab workout is ao painful
After watching these and relating to all the struggles, I realized that I actually work out!! 😂😂
Title is misnomer: I struggle with all of these and I don’t work out. I just have relapsing MS 😆
Never thought I could relate so much. Years ago I was such a couch potato. 😅
The hair one is too real for me constantly, whether I’ve worked out or not lol. My arms get so tired up there!
Thanku cassey, u are literally my beacon of light in this pandemic, u keep me motivated, thanku staying in home would be soooo boring without ur workouts and chit chats, not to mention I learn so much from you! 🥰 please keep up the good work you are doing, you have changed my thinking about a lot things , being girly dosent mean being weak, thanku!
#1 is especially relatable 🤣
Lmao I did arm day before work and couldn’t staple. I had to try lifting heavy books and slamming them down on the stapler to punch the corners. Good times 😂
Recently started FitOn! LOVE IT!! Worth the little bit of money for an entire year of amazing quality vids and tips! 💛